chapter 10: page 17
2015-02-06 19:09:18
lol kou feelin old as shit
JULIE NO I MISS YOU ALREADY COME BAAAAAAACK... but seriously tho i will miss drawing her hair...but omg not her outfit. GOOD RIDDANCE LAYERED FASHION HELL [but really tho this page gave me super feels. mama's girl complex strikes again 8D]
by the way. sorry this page was late. the combo multiple light sources and multiple skin tones was a horrible time sink [and i still didn't do all i wanted but i just hate this page now so posting it as is lol]. i'm gonna try something different next page that will be faster [i hope]... because there are crowds. //cowers
do any of you guys read ava's demon?? did you notice that it's doing a kickstarter for vol2 =D? if not, get in on ittttt! tell ya kids tell ya wife etc
Current Incentive:
mild NSFW warning due to underwear/bra~ this is a doodle i started for day 7 of the smut challenge [half dressed prompt], but i ended up drawing cute kix fluff instead hahaha. i actually did a whole comic based on this doodle but i'm kinda uncomfortable sharing the whole thing here cos it's kind of a striptease xD maybe i will feel braver about it later... idk.