info mostly for initial introduction -- hover over portraits for spoilers.
[spoilers will be updated as they are revealed, obv...]
info mostly for initial introduction -- hover over portraits for spoilers.
[spoilers will be updated as they are revealed, obv...]
![Vix always considered herself a minor unhuman, but after causing the death of some classmates [ch 1], she begins to have doubts and eventually learns that she is actually a dhampir [ch4]. She's learned along the way that she has cravings for blood that she can't seem to get over, which also seem to make her abilities unstable [ch5-6]. During a violent encounter with Andre, who confronts her about the death of his little brother, Vix has another 'incident'[ch7]; the result saves her from death, but seems to disorient her nearly as much as it hurt Andre... a couple days later, she uses her abilities again to free an imprisoned man, but once it is done, she isn't sure why she did it, and ends up punished for it [ch8-9].](layout/vix-info.png)
aka Vix
birthday: april 13th | age: 17 | height: 5'4
Though raised by humans, Vix has always known she was an unhuman, something of an empath. Because of this, her personality and moods can shift depending on those around her, making it easier to blend in, but also making it hard for her to know exactly what she herself is feeling at times.
She enjoys listening to and making her own music.
![Although Vix thought he was her guardian angel, Kou reveals that he is actually a vampire hybrid [ch 3] and that he was assigned to protect her by her mother, though she continues to consider him as her guardian angel regardless [ch4]. During an outing, when Vix is attacked by Andre, Kou intervenes; during the ensuing scuffle, Kou's sunglasses are knocked off, finally revealing that his left eye is missing. Upon seeing Kou's scarred face, Andre indicates that he recognizes Kou, saying that 'she' has talked about him before. Kou interrupts him before he can say much more, clearly bristled by this information... Later, he finds a distraught Vix in the hallway; for reasons unclear, he attempts to read her mind, but Vix quickly catches on and sends him away. [ch7]](layout/kou-info.png)
aka Kou
birthday: november 4th | age: ?? looks early-mid 20's... | height: 6'1
An unaging man that has appeared and protected Vix from dangers as far back as she can remember. Though Vix thinks of him as her guardian angel, Kou is actually a vampire hybrid, and protecting Vix is just his job.
He has a vague interest in linguistics and writing, although his pensmanship is quite horrible. His favourite passtime is photography.
![Arianna is revealed to be Vix's biological mother[ch4]. While she is quite human, she admits to having a touch of phoenix blood, which allows her to use a weak form of telekinesis, referred to as 'pushing'. She also admits to a 'dreaming' ability that she is rather good at, which indicates she has visions of future events [ch5 - 6]. During a conversation about Ezekiel's release [ch8], whom Arianna warns Vix to stay away from, Arianna reveals she and Lysander had to give Vix to a family friend [Julie] because living amongst the unhumans was too dangerous at the time [ch9].](layout/arianna-info.png)
birthday: september 19th | age: mid-late 30's | height: 5'6
Arianna is a human woman, married to the vampire Lysander, a joining which is uncommon, especially considering her husband's objectional personality. She is usually a kindhearted and very polite woman... however, she is also fiercely maternal, and manners tend to take the back seat if she feels loved ones are threatened.
She is one of the few humans that lives at the inn, and acts as the bartender from time to time.
![Lysander is revealed to be Vix's biological father [ch3]. He is mostly absent from Vix's stay at the inn, but pops up after Vix was attacked by Andre, seeming concerned about the events. When Vix asks if it's because he was worried about her, he immediately closes the subject... hmm! [ch7] During a conversation with Vix, Arianna reveals that Lysander's hand in The Reveal was an act of protection; a rival group was attempting to cause havok in his territory by killing humans and pinning the blame on his group. Kou brought word of a large scale attack in their territory. Lysander chose to end the threat once and for all, sending Ophelia to obliterate the attackers before they could hurt anyone, whilst his own group took to saftey. After the story began to cause panic, he quickly claimed responsibility for the 'terrorist attack' and eventually, with the support of some more reputable unhuman allies, he revealed his reasons and, vicariously, the exisitence of unhuman kind. [ch9]](layout/lysander-info.png)
birthday: ?? | age: ?? looks maybe 20ish. | height: 5'9
Arguably the most famous vampire -- perhaps even the most famous unhuman as well. He is the leader of his clan [although not vampire exclusive] and is credited for leading the unhumans out of hiding and into the spotlight, although initially not by choice. He doesn't like to beat around the bush, being always brutally honest with anyone and everyone; this tends to earn him a reputation of being a complete dick [actually, it might be true].
He enjoys smoking. All the time.
![First appearing after Vix first ingests blood, The Twin indicates that she's waited a long time for Vix to find her [ch6]. The Twin appears again when Vix is about to give up and allow herself to die; she tells Vix she needs to fight back, after which Vix has another 'incident', damaging both herself and her attacker [ch7].](layout/twin-info.png)
birthday: ??? | age: ??? | height: 5'6
A mysterious, almost mirror version of Vix, who dwells in a strange, watery landscape. Often she will offer Vix advice or warning, but it is unclear exactly what she is or why she even exists in the first place.
![Arliss is revealed to be a werewolf [ch9], and also seems to be the reason Vix was caught freeing Zeke [ch8].](layout/arliss-info.png)
aka Arlie
birthday: october 21st | age: 16 | height: 5'5
A spunky girl that Vix meets by accident at the inn, and Vix's first proper friend after leaving home. Arliss enjoys a good joke every now and then... eh, who are we kidding? She's a total prankster! If a situation is tense, she'll break the ice, and even a more serious person will be effected by her charisma. Most find it hard to dislike her, and she tries to keep it that way.
She is an artist, particularly of portraits and caricatures, and dabbles in various crafts.
![During an outing with Vix and Kou, Rylie vanishes, just before the pair are attacked by a vampire. Once they arrive home, Vix spies Kou and Rylie having a fight about her disappearence [ch7]. Afterward, Rylie indicates she feels responsible for Vix being hurt, but runs away before explaining herself...](layout/rylie-info.png)
birthday: ?? | age: ?? looks in mid-late 20's. | height: 5'7
As a succubus, Rylie is basically walking sex, and doesn't have to work hard for attention from either gender. She gets along with most everyone and is always looking out for the ones she cares for. She seems to have a thing for Kou that she conceals quite poorly... She is a gifted seamstress and designer of clothes. Her first language is German.
![When Vix meets him a second time, she has something of a brown out and frees him from the cell. [ch8] Though said to be dangerous, he treats her gently and seems thankful as he leaves. But did he compel her to free him? Or was it something else?](layout/zeke-info.png)
aka Zeke, the heretic, the watcher
birthday: ?? | age: ?? looks 30-ish. | height: 5'11
A mysterious man Vix finds locked away in the basement, a man she immediately feels she has seen before somewhere but is unable to place ...
![Seth and Jo were injured during Vix's breakdown at the end of chapter 1... Jo seems to vaguely know what happened, and indicates she trusts her no matter what. This unwavering trust is tested when Vix appears to her in the middle of the night and confesses everything, and then nearly ends up with Jo becoming her first 'vampiric' victim [ch5]...](layout/joseth-info.png)
aka "Jo" and ... "Seth"...>_>;
Jo and Seth are Vix's best friends [jo since 1st grade, seth since 6th]. Jo is energetic and flirty, extremely passionate about pretty much everything; she is led by her emotions. Seth, on the other hand, is rather laid back and logical, a near opposite to Jo, proving that opposites do attract... :)
Vix sort of idolizes them as the perfect couple.
![Tho not truly introduced, Andre is mentioned several times [ch1] -- it's apparent he and Vix have some sort of relationship, but it's not made clear what sort it is [and even vix seems to be unsure about the officiality of it]. Absent the first day of school, it's later revealed that he is actually missing [ch5]. Vix eventually runs into him at a boardwalk, where he confronts her about the death of his little brother [ch7]. During this confrontation, Vix finds out first hand that Andre has been turned into a vampire, and seems to know more about her situation than he should... he attacks her, but is thwarted by Kou.](layout/andre-info.png)
birthday: february 19 | age: 17 | height: 5'9
A friend of Vix's from High School; Elijah's older brother.
![Vix's first encounter with Ophelia is when she drinks the woman's blood to curb her blood lust. Shortly before this, Ophelia tells Vix that she will 'save us all' [ch6]... Eventually it is shown that Ophelia, under order of Lysander, had a direct hand in causing The Reveal, though it was to save human lives [ch 9].](layout/ophelia-info.png)
birthday: ?? | age: ?? looks 20. | height: 5'5
A strange phoenix woman that Vix is introduced to after her first brush with blood lust. Ophelia is generally good natured and very down to earth, but seems slightly eccentric.
![Julie was left behind, unconscious, when Kou took Vix away[ch3]. It is revealed [ch4] that Julie is not Vix's real mother, and that she took her in when Arianna and Lysander felt it was too dangerous to raise Vix amongst unhumans[ch9].](layout/julianne-info.png)
aka "Julie" or "Julia"
Vix's quirky but attentive mother. Robert, her husband, died when Vix was only 5, so it has been just the two of them for the past 12 years. She dotes upon her daughter, spoiling her any chance she gets.
She works at the local elementary school, teaching 4th grade English, a job that she seems to enjoy immensely.

aka "R. Peen", "Nudist Hick Man"
Richard is not an actual character in dream*scar, but more of a bad inside joke [dickpenislololol ._.] He is an old character who constantly was drawn naked with "NUDE" written down his front. He speaks only with "HYUK!" and has an unhealthy obsession with Kou.
R. Peen is something of an easter egg in d*s. He appears at least once per chapter. Have fun trying to find him. 8D and then you shall cry, because he is so creepy looking.
these are the main races mentioned in d*s, although there are others as well.
these are the main races mentioned in d*s, although there are others as well.
Much like the lore, vampires can't go into sunlight, although it is unknown as to why; holy objects, especially wielded by one with strong faith, repel them. Generally, vampirism comes with excelled strength, speed, and logistics, along with other abilities that develop with age and a drastic increase in all senses. Differing from the lore, garlic does not repel them [although the strong smell is certainly unpleasant] and stakes to the heart, while annoying, will not slay or bind them. They rely soley on blood to sustain themselves, and while it doesn't have to be human, it is definitely preferred.
Notable Vampires: Lysander, Zeke, Trina (intro'd later)
Extremely rare due to complicated births and unstable genetics, dhampirs are the offspring of a vampiric father and a human mother. Records of these children are scarce, but from what is known, most of the children are male, and the abilities they gain tend to depend on the parents. They are day walkers and do not require blood to live [although there are exceptions to both of these]. It is believed the father has a certain control over it's hybrid child.
Unfortunately, these hybrid children ususally don't live very long. The reason is unknown, but perhaps can be attributed to their unstable nature; basically a human with supernatural abilities, it would probably eventually tear them apart, phyically and mentally...
Notable Dhampirs: Vix, Zeke (formerly)
A line of vampires that seem to have 'evolved', these are vampires that can walk in the sunlight, although prolonged exposure can prove deadly; they are also referred to as Shadows, due to the fact that their abilities are [at best] half as effective as their vampire counterparts. Much like their vampire and dhampir cousins, each excels at certain things, depending on the human before being turned.
Notable Hybrids: Kou, Andre, Dana (intro'd later), Milla (intro'd later), Brayden(intro'd later)
Cursed people who are forced to change into wolves at the full moon. There are a few types of werewolves, but the most common have come to control their minds during their transformation. These common werewolves appear on the full moon as simple wolves of a slightly large size, with the heightened senses of wolves and sharpened mind to the presence of their brothers and sisters. Some can even transform when the moon is not full, but they need to see it in order to trigger the change.
Other types of werewolves do exist, including those that take on a halfwolf shape ['true' werewolves]. These are quite rare in the current time, because of their very unstable nature. Most were hunted down and destroyed many years ago.
Werewolves make up the largest percentage of the unhumans.
Notable Werewolves: Arliss, Myung (intro'd later), Demitry (intro'd later)
Demons who feed off the sexual energy of their victims. Most of these demons are extremely attractive and are almost always charming/alluring to the object of their attention. Victims of these demons generally feel weak after their encounter, and often desire for sex is completely decimated for days or weeks, even months, depending on the ... vigour of the encounter. 8D;
Incubi/Succubi exhibit strength beyond that of a human, especially after 'feeding', but below that of most of the other common unhumans, making them sort of vulnerable. On the other hand, rarely would anyone or anything want to hurt them, as they can easily manipulate any enemy.
Notable Demons: Rylie
The first in the list of adapting unhumans, phoenixes were once beautiful birds who, at the end of their life, would burst into flames and then would be reborn from the ashes. Like many of the old races, most phoenixes have mastered the art of disguise, taking a human shape. Aside from being practically immune to permanent death, phoenixes seem to have a sort of telepathic gift, making them rather accurate psychics.
Notable Phoenixes: Ophelia
The knowledge keepers of the unhumans, unicorns have an exquisite collective memory. Much like the phoenixes, unicorns have adapted to a more human form, although they have been unable to fully mimick the human appearence; they retain their horn, tail, and pale skin, amongst other defects. They have healing abilities, as well as the ability to make you go deaf with how much they like to talk.
They are pacifists to a fault.
Notable Unicorns: Galliot (intro'd later), Senhalou (intro'd later)
Dragons are a very proud race, and refused for the longest time to adapt when humans began to dominate the world. They paid for their pride and were hunted nearly to extinction; probably fewer than 50 remain. Those that survived the slayers can no longer fly, although probably this is because these dragons had no wings to begin with [the fliers were the most stubborn].
They are the strongest of the unhumans, without exception. Put a single dragon in a room full of angry unhumans and they'd still come out on top.
Notable Dragons: Renkhu (intro'd later)
Much like the lore, vampires can't go into sunlight, although it is unknown as to why; holy objects, especially wielded by one with strong faith, repel them. Generally, vampirism comes with excelled strength, speed, and logistics, along with other abilities that develop with age and a drastic increase in all senses. Differing from the lore, garlic does not repel them [although the strong smell is certainly unpleasant] and stakes to the heart, while annoying, will not slay or bind them. They rely soley on blood to sustain themselves, and while it doesn't have to be human, it is definitely preferred.
Notable Vampires: Lysander, Zeke, Trina (intro'd later)
Extremely rare due to complicated births and unstable genetics, dhampirs are the offspring of a vampiric father and a human mother. Records of these children are scarce, but from what is known, most of the children are male, and the abilities they gain tend to depend on the parents. They are day walkers and do not require blood to live [although there are exceptions to both of these]. It is believed the father has a certain control over it's hybrid child.
Unfortunately, these hybrid children ususally don't live very long. The reason is unknown, but perhaps can be attributed to their unstable nature; basically a human with supernatural abilities, it would probably eventually tear them apart, phyically and mentally...
Notable Dhampirs: Vix, Zeke (formerly)
A line of vampires that seem to have 'evolved', these are vampires that can walk in the sunlight, although prolonged exposure can prove deadly; they are also referred to as Shadows, due to the fact that their abilities are [at best] half as effective as their vampire counterparts. Much like their vampire and dhampir cousins, each excels at certain things, depending on the human before being turned.
Notable Hybrids: Kou, Andre, Dana (intro'd later), Milla (intro'd later), Brayden(intro'd later)
Cursed people who are forced to change into wolves at the full moon. There are a few types of werewolves, but the most common have come to control their minds during their transformation. These common werewolves appear on the full moon as simple wolves of a slightly large size, with the heightened senses of wolves and sharpened mind to the presence of their brothers and sisters. Some can even transform when the moon is not full, but they need to see it in order to trigger the change.
Other types of werewolves do exist, including those that take on a halfwolf shape ['true' werewolves]. These are quite rare in the current time, because of their very unstable nature. Most were hunted down and destroyed many years ago.
Werewolves make up the largest percentage of the unhumans.
Notable Werewolves: Arliss, Myung (intro'd later), Demitry (intro'd later)
Demons who feed off the sexual energy of their victims. Most of these demons are extremely attractive and are almost always charming/alluring to the object of their attention. Victims of these demons generally feel weak after their encounter, and often desire for sex is completely decimated for days or weeks, even months, depending on the ... vigour of the encounter. 8D;
Incubi/Succubi exhibit strength beyond that of a human, especially after 'feeding', but below that of most of the other common unhumans, making them sort of vulnerable. On the other hand, rarely would anyone or anything want to hurt them, as they can easily manipulate any enemy.
Notable Demons: Rylie
The first in the list of adapting unhumans, phoenixes were once beautiful birds who, at the end of their life, would burst into flames and then would be reborn from the ashes. Like many of the old races, most phoenixes have mastered the art of disguise, taking a human shape. Aside from being practically immune to permanent death, phoenixes seem to have a sort of telepathic gift, making them rather accurate psychics.
Notable Phoenixes: Ophelia
The knowledge keepers of the unhumans, unicorns have an exquisite collective memory. Much like the phoenixes, unicorns have adapted to a more human form, although they have been unable to fully mimick the human appearence; they retain their horn, tail, and pale skin, amongst other defects. They have healing abilities, as well as the ability to make you go deaf with how much they like to talk.
They are pacifists to a fault.
Notable Unicorns: Galliot (intro'd later), Senhalou (intro'd later)
Dragons are a very proud race, and refused for the longest time to adapt when humans began to dominate the world. They paid for their pride and were hunted nearly to extinction; probably fewer than 50 remain. Those that survived the slayers can no longer fly, although probably this is because these dragons had no wings to begin with [the fliers were the most stubborn].
They are the strongest of the unhumans, without exception. Put a single dragon in a room full of angry unhumans and they'd still come out on top.
Notable Dragons: Renkhu (intro'd later)