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chapter 8: page 6

2013-07-05 08:57:22

I ended up changing the design of Vix's boots on the next page a bit [mostly where the straps are] but I don't feel like fixing them on this page haha. So pretend I didn't just point out my laziness. Tho really it's just lack of time, I am really behind on next weeks page, thanks to stinkin' 4th o July :P Hope my American readers had a nice break yesterday and ate a buncha delicious food with friends/family, tho!

Off to work more on page between baby cuddlin' sprees xD

Current Incentive:

Here's page 1 of the mini comic I promised before xD there are 3 pages... so make sure to vote again next week for the next page =D TEH MYSTERY WILL BE REVEAAAAAAAALED. [also, ngl, this is part of why i am behind on next week's page...so next pages might not be in colour haha]

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