chapter 6: page 31
2011-08-18 20:02:37
The stranger greets Vix...
If you don't check my facebook page, you might not be aware that I have started up a twitter account for the comic, as well as general art stuff as well prob, eventually...
Also, I found my old formspring account. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a place where you ask me a question and I'll answer it. So fire away XD
Also also, everyone please send some mind bullets at my husband, telling him to complete the new layout faster. :P
Current Incentive:
Since the comic is nearing the end of volume one, I figured now would be a good time to dig up the old doodles I did in the notebook where I originally wrote this story! So have a look at the old art, side by side comparisons, and some insights to a few differences between the two formats. :D
next update: fri, aug 26
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