chapter 7: page 44
2012-07-05 21:24:30
Lysander, wahoo 8DD I know a lot of you hate this guy, but I love writing and drawing him xD
Any webcomic creators out there? SpiderForest, the webcomic collective I'm a part of, is currently open for applications =D You might have noticed the SF banner along the very top of my website... *pointing upward* yeah, that's them up there. :'D Great group of people who have offered me a lot of advice and friendship since I've been with them!
Anyway, have a look around the website, check out the public forums, and if you're interested, feel free to apply :D
Also, I am tentatively setting the start of the Hiatus for Aug 3rd... Hoping I can make it there without having to resort to posting unfinished pages, but this month is pretty hectic for me, so I can't promise anything @_@ Wish me luck tho! I will do my best!
Current Incentive:
Quick pic! Happy 4th! [or 1st, for you canadians~]